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is condom business profitable and industry revenue?

Global condom market has grow up stable recent years, the grow rate at 9.5%, and it can reach us$10 billion by 2030 year. The forecasted market size for 2032 in USD can up to 17 Billion, This is really a huge market, So that's why most boss want to join the condom's market, they are eager to register own condom brand, and anxious to make own brand condom.

But the fact is that the condom market is a stable market, not a new niche market, which already glutted with various types condom and too many brands target at different level consumers, maybe you think you has a good or brand new ideas of condom, when you invest a lot to make the new idea come out, but you find the market already has the new products, and they you only can compete by discount on price, so it's too difficult for you to find your own niche market to survive.

As a condom factory, we has experience with too many boss who already successfully started their own condom business, and we only recommend you can invest in condom business when you up to the followings 2 conditions:

1: You has enough funds for the project. Because enough funds can make sure you get good sales guy and good marketing guys work for you.

2: You are professional at product or marketing. Your professional experience will help you in the project, and save your funds.

You can survive when you has both of the above conditions, and we don't recommend you start to invest if you only has one conditions, it's really waste your money, maybe you can go a while, but you can't go long way, you will difficult to compete or get back your invest.

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